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testants, and to the end that all persons in Ireland who have right to articles, or to any favor and mercy held forth by any the qualifications in the Act of Parliament, entituled, "An Act for Setling of Ireland," may enjoy the benefit intended unto them, and every of them respectively. By the said Act it is thought fit and resolved, that all and every the persons aforesaid shall, before the first day of May, which shall be in the year one thousand six hundred fifty-four, remove and transplant themselves into the province of Connaught, and the county of Clare, or one of them, there to inhabit and abide; and shall have set forth unto them and every of them respectively, such proportions of land, and for such estates or terms, and under such conditions, reservations, and covenants, as shall be answerable in value unto so much of his and their estates as by such articles or qualification respectively he or they were to enjoy, in such place and maner as you, or such as shall be authorized by you, shall appoint and direct. And that whatsoever person or persons aforesaid shall, after the said first day of May, one thousand six hundred fifty and four, be found inhabiting or remaining in any part of the provinces of Leinster, Munster, or Ulster (except in the said county of Clare), or (without a pass from you, or any one of you, or under the hand and seal of such person or persons as shall be authorized by you to that purpose), travelling in any of the said provinces (except the said county of Clare), he and they shall be reputed spies and enemies, and shall for the same offence suffer death. And that all, and every person and persons aforesaid, who shall at or before the first day of May, one thousand six hundred fifty-four, quietly and peaceably remove into the said province of Connaught, or county of Clare, shall be pardoned all offences (except all and every person and persons, both principal and accessaries, who, since the first day of October, one thousand six hundred forty and one, have, or shall kill or slay, or otherwise destroy any person or persons in Ireland, which at the time of their being so killed, slain, or destroyed, were not publiquely entertained and maintained in arms as ofiicers or private soldiers for and on the behalf of the English against the Irish; and all and every person and persons, both principal and accessaries, who, since the first day of October, one thousand six hundred forty and one, have killed, slain, or otherwise destroyed any person or persons entertained or maintained as officers or private soldiers for and on the behalf of the English against the Irish; the said persons so killing, slaying, or otherwise destroying (not being then publiquely entertained and maintained in arms as officers or private soldiers under the command and pay of the Irish against the English), and shall be no more molested for the same.

Provided that none of the persons aforesaid shall be admitted to live in, or enter into any port, town, or garrison, within the said province of Connaught, or county of Clare (without license from you or any one of you, or such person or persons as you shall authorize thereunto), nor shall have or keep any arms used in war, or ammunition; but that all and every person and persons offending in either of the premises shall be tried by martial law, and, being convicted, shall suffer death.

Provided also, that this shall not extend to the pardoning, tolerating, or admitting any Popish priest, Jesuit, or other person in orders by authority from the see of Rome.

Provided also, that this shall not extend to the removal of any person who did not adhere unto, or joyn with the rebels before the fifteenth day of September, one thousand six hundred