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to defray the future charges of theire settlement, which said acrege may amount unto twenty thousand pounds, and consequently be sufficient to answer all ends.

Prayer and proviso for the arreares of sallary to be paid him for setting out the lands to the souldiery.Your petitioner, therefore, and for that hee desires nothing from your Majestie, nor from any others not properly engaged, nor even from them, but what may justly and conveniently be done, doth humbly pray that hee may not loose this oppertunity, for which he hath waited these seaven yeares, of being considered for the said most painefull service and his many sufferings arriseing from the same, but that in order to his releife these following words may be added to the said clause (viz.) out of which mony such compensation is to be made to Sir William Pettie, Knight, for his service and sufferings in and about the setting out lands in satisfaction of the said souldiery as the cheife governor and councill of Ireland for the time being shall thinke reasonable.

And hee shall ever pray.


To The King's most Excellent Majesty.

The humble Petition of Sir William Petty, Knight.

Sir William Petty's petition concerning a penny an acre agreed by some persons to be given him for admeasuring lands, &c.Sheweth, that there remaines unsatisfyed unto your petitioner part of the penny an acre agreed to be given him by particular persons for admeasuring the lands sett out unto them before the yeare 1659, in your Majesty's kingdome of Ireland, which your petitioner is disabled to recover by reason of your Majesty's most happy restoration which made void all the security which your petitioner had for the same. Moreover your petitioner hath beene at many hundred pounds charge, and severall yeares' labour in composeing a most exact mapp of that kingdome, which is yett imperfect for want of reasonable help and encouragement.

Your petitioner humbly prayes that he may be
enabled by some clause in the Act now under
consideration to recover his said debts, and
be further encouraged as your Majesty shall
think fitt for perfecting the said mapp.
And he shall ever praye.
Copia vera ex per
Edm. Stacke.
J. Ffullerton.

Whitehall, October 14, 1664.

Order upon the foregoing petition of Sir Willliam Petty.His Majesty is graciously pleased to referr this petition to his Grace the Duke of Ormond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who, calling to his assistance such of the committee for Irish affaires as he shall think fitt, is to consider
  1. From the Record Tower, Dublin Castle.