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Army, order to repay same to Dr. Petty, 166.

——— agents of, assent to rules and agreements concerning the proceedings of setting out lands to the army by the commissioners appointed for that purpose, 197, 202. See Commissioners appointed for distribution of lands.

——— disbanded in 1653 and 1655, baronies set out to, in an imperfect manner, 185, 389.

——— amount paid to, in Leinster and Ulster, 187.

——— extent of lands disposable to, 216.

——— arrears of 1d. per acre due by, to Dr. Petty for survey, remitted on purchase of lands by him, Dr. Petty being answerable for any payments made by the army after this agreement, 219, 334, 344, 348.

——— officers of, petition the Lord Lieutenant and Council, stating their arrears remain as yet in part unsatisfied, praying a committee may be appointed for auditing the proceedings of the commissioners for setting out lands to the army, and that they be put in joint possession of the survey-books, maps, &c., 264.

——— committee appointed accordingly; to be assisted by seven persons nominated by the petitioners, 266, 268, 270.

——— this commission not considered satisfactory by some, 266. See also Soldiers.

Arnopp, Lieut.-Colonel William, 4, 7. 12, 30, 39, 89, 93, 265.

Arra Survey, documents of, 55.

Arrears for services before 1649, committees appointed for examination of, 70, 317.

——— when forfeited to be lost, 89.

Artists, report of committee of; auditors and surveyor-general's report on, and proposal of another advance to Dr. Petty, 159.

——— committee of, duties performed by, in examining and checking the survey, 168.

Artists to be paid by the chain and angle, 45.

——— objections by old surveyors to employment of untrained hands nearly removed, 80.

——— trained by Dr. Petty, 17, 316, 321.

Ascue, Sir George, 349.

Auditors-General, 150, 151, 164, 165, 268, 274, 295.

Axtell, D., 73, 75, 76, 79, 92, 101.


Baldwin, George, 52.

Ballintoy possessed by Dr. Petty, 260.

Ballyboy lands, possession of, by Dr. Petty, enumerated among the charges preferred against him, 299. See also King's County.

——— survey of, 62.

Ballybret, survey of, ib.

Ballycowen, survey of, ib.

Bampfield, Tho., 289.

Barefoot, Robert, 244.

Barker, William, 243.

Baron, Lord Chief, 134, 135, 149.

Baronies, and lands lying in, to be distinguished on the maps, 25.

——— out-meres of, to be surrounded, &c., 47.

——— some not now recognised as, 326.

——— names of, provision for, if returned incorrectly, 322.

Baronial and parish bounds would not be preserved by surveying forfeited and profitable lands only, 8, 313, 322.

——— instructions relative to surveying of, 49, 322.

Barrington, Thomas, 196.

Barrow, Colonel, 30, 39, 79, 89, 180.

—————— complaints of, against Dr. Petty, 81.

Basill, William, Attorney-General, 167, 206.

Bate, George, 244, 269.