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Names, mode adopted for ascertaining correct names for Ordnance Survey, 326.

——— on Ordnance maps might with advantage be made general, 327.

Natural History, museum of. See Ordnance Survey.

Needles, variation of. See Instruments.

Nelson, Jon., 73, 75, 76, 79, 92, 198, 265.

Newcomen, Robert, 19.

Norden, Irish maps by, 346.

Norman, Robert, 243

Notes, 307.


O' Flaherty's Description of West Connaught, edited by Mr. Hardiman, efforts of Dr. Petty preserved in, 348.

Orders of council, legal opinion as to effect of, 255.

Ordnance Survey, superintendent of, possessed many of the qualities of Dr. Petty, 314.

————— instructions for, very similar to those for Down Survey, 324.

————— object of, &c., differing from Down Survey, 347.

————— index maps of counties made on such scales as would bring each within a sheet of paper, 324.

————— plan adopted in establishing orthography for, 326.

————— boundaries of, recognised by Acts of Parliament, 327.

————— historical papers collected during the progress of, and still preserved in Ordnance Survey Office; memoir of Templemore; geology of Londonderry; museum of natural history, &c., 348.

Orier, 92.

Ormond, Duke of, 344.

——— Upper and Lower, survey documents of, 55, 62.

Ormsby, Robert, 73, 76, 265.

Orphans. See Widows.

Ortelius, Irish maps by, 346.

Orthography. See Names.

Ossory, Upper, 92, 102.

Owen, Captain George, 164, 165.

—— Henry, 76.

—— Thomas, 244.

—— Owney and Arra, survey documents of, 62.

Ownybeg, survey documents of, 55, 62.

————— survey of, not charged in Dr. Petty's account, but subsequently claimed by him, 164. Report on, 165. Order to pay the amount, 166.

————— in County Limerick, 166.

Owny Mulrian, survey documents of, 55.

————— now included in Owny and Arra, 326.

Oxmantown, Captain Sands' house in, said to be given as a bribe to Dr. Petty, 298.


Palmer, Jeo., 251, 252.

Papists, affection of, 186.

——— employment of, objected to by Mr. Worsley, and explained by Dr. Petty, 20, 317.

Peaker, Tobias, 181.

Pepys, Richard, 224, 228, 229.

——— diary, notice of Dr. Petty in, 348, 349.

Perrott, Jo., 243.

Petty, Dr., advised to go to Ireland, 1.

———— physician to the forces, Lieut.-Gen. Fleetwood and family, in Ireland, 1, 311.

———— offered to refund four or five first years' salary, if allowed the lowest usual reward for his services as physician, 2.

———— reasons for undertaking the geometrical surveys, 3, 311.

———— proposal that the lands be surveyed down, recommended, 12, 312.