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Strafford Survey of Tipperary said to be used by Dr. Petty for Down Survey, 239, 325, 327.

——————— of Galway and Sligo, 57.

——————— of Galway, doubtful if ever completed, 325.

——————— specimen sheet of, 393.

Sullivan, Cor., 19.

Survey by Mr. Worsley, mistake in system of, shown by Dr. Petty, and remedy offered, 3, 312.

——— committee to consider how it may be cheaply and expeditiously done, 4, 7, 313, 319.

——— of forfeited and profitable lands; reasons of committee for objecting to payment for such lands only, 8, 9, 313.

——— security, &c., for. See Security.

——— articles of agreement for. See Agreement.

——— proposal that previous cost of, be borne by the State or purchaser, 15.

——— army to pay 1d. per acre for, in addition to the £3 per 1000 to be paid by the State, 15, 22, 27.

——— complaints against, to be made within twelve months after subdivision, and three months allowed to Dr. Petty for correcting and amending, 29.

——— and subdivision committee ordered to consider how to begin, 39; report of, 40; observations on above, by Dr. Petty, 42.

——— obstructions and controversies. See Lands.

——— to be protracted on single sheets of paper on scales named. See Maps.

——— private admeasurements collected. 194,313; executed in Ireland previous to Down Survey, 346.

——— examiner-general of, to reside in Dublin, 45, 322.

——— taken by adventurers, imperfections of, 234; differences between it and Down Survey, 240, 312, 316; allotments under, 250; legal opinion as to whether this survey or the Down Survey ought to be adopted, 256.

Survey performed for adventurers by Dr. Petty and Mr. Worsley, 325, 333, 341. See also Down Survey.

Surveying, art of, divided into field-work, protracting, &c., 17.

Surveyor-general, 268, 274; salary of, 316.

——————— office of, See Elephant.

——————— remuneration awarded to, at Grocers' Hall. See Clerks of Council.

——————— oath taken by, 374, 388.

Surveyors, two or more to be appointed to each county, for admeasuring lands in each barony fallen by lot to the soldiers, 5, 319.

———— oath to be taken by, 375.

———— clerks and meresmen to be allowed to assist them, 312.

———— payment to, 6, 29, 329; said to exceed preceding rate of surrounding whole baronies, 8.

———— previously employed, terms for, proposed by Dr. Petty, if his plans be approved, 9, 313, 314, 332, 333, 335.

———— agreements of, broken by, 122.

———— lately employed by Mr. Worsley remonstrate against Dr. Petty's terms, plan of working, &c., 19; reply of Dr. Petty to above, ib.

———— examination of, proposed by Mr. Worsley, 21.

———— trained under Dr. Petty's eye, near Dublin. See Artists.

———— informed by Mr. Worsley of Dr. Petty's undertaking, and instructed not to enter on any new surrounds, 31, 319.

———— money expended on gross surrounds reimbursed to, 51.