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the measurer a Papist then the mearesman, which for the most part must be such; saying that the only scandall in this point was, to imploy Irish Papists when English Protestants must be had.

Provost desires no scholars to be employed.About the same time came a request from the Provost of the Colledge of Dublyn, that the schollars thereoff should not be employed in this worke; soe as by interdicting me souldiers, schollars, and Irish, itt appeared plaine the designe was now to make me miscarry in what they could not hinder me to undertake and be entrusted withall.

But these objections about the souldiers, &c., were chiefly to usher in an exspedient or remedy for that disease whereoff Mr Worsley hoped to persuade the Councill that the business was sicke off. The which expedient he proceededMr Worsley proposes a judicatory of surveyors. to offer, allthough it was not perceived that the Councill thought it wanting; and it was, that a judicatory of surveyors might be set up, to examine and allow of all men the Dr imployed; and that the protractor, to take of their dependance from him, might be paid by the State.

To which was answered:

Answers to all.1st. That there was doubt even of the Surveyor-Generall's sufficiency to examine the Doctor's instruments, because he had done the same very imperfectly hitherto.

2dly. That if the Surveyor-Generall excepted against souldiers having to doe in the survey, Major Symner, Mr. Webb, and Mr. Francis (though very able), being of the army, were not fitt for this judicature.

3dly. That if he propounded the authors of the late remonstrance, it was desired that the Dr might first have the examining of them before the Councill.

4thly. The said examinators, delaying due approbation, might make the Dr forfeit his security, by comming short in his time of performance.

5thly. Why should the Doctor undertake to pay those whom he might thinke can deserve nothing, or venture his reputation and security uppon such.

Herewith the Councill being abundantly satisfyed, and the Dr encouraged in beholding the deliverance which the Lord gave him time from time out of the snares and netts of adversarys,

The contract went forward, and the following order yssued in order thereunto.