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ON the 16th of December, Mr Worsely sends the following letter to the surveyors imployed on the grosse surrounds:


Mr Worsly's letter to his surveyors 16th Decb, 1654.By mine of the 17th of November last, I gave you an accompt that the Lord Deputy and Councill, with a councill of officers, were of opinion, that the present surveys would not be sufficient to put every man into his particular proportion and quantity of land without another admeasurement; and that a tender was then made to the Lord Deputy and Councill, not only for the carreying on the generall survey of every barrony distinctly, both of the profitable and unprofitable land, but alsoe for the dividing and setting out to each man his particular proportion or share; for which cause my Lord Deputy and Councill, approving of the same, commanded me to signifie to you their pleasure not to enter uppon any new surrounds, nor making any further progress in the survey, untill further orders from them. Since which time there being articles of agreement passed and concluded by and between the Lord Deputy and Councill, on the behalfe of the Commonwealth, and Dr Petty as undertaker for the whole survey, as is above mentioned, I thought good to acquaint you therewith, to the intent as well that you might, if you thinke fitt, speedily repaire hither, and bring with you what you have allready done, that soe a consideration may be had of the worke, and due satisfaction made according to your contract.

I am your very loving friend and Servant,
B. Worsley.

Dublin, the 16th December, 1654.

On the 17th of December, the articles were sealed and delivered, and bond given for the performance of them, vizt.:

Know all men by these, that wee, William Petty, of the city of Dublyn, Dr in Physicke; Sir Hardress Waller, Knight; and John Clerke, doe acknowledge and confess our selfs to be owing and stand indebted unto his Highness Oliver, Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ire-