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ing them to be either sworne, or subscribe before good wittness unto the trueth of the bounds they shall shew unto you.

9thly. Where the meares are not certainely knowne, but two are offered as likely to be them, there you are to take notice of both, vizt., of the most likely by admeasurement, and of the other by estimate, making extraordinary marks at all such places, and recommending them to the countrey, and exspresseing the controversy about the said meares in your respective returnes.

10thly. Where you meet with any notable impediment to the performance of the within instructions, as the difficulty and unfittness of the said lands to be admeasured, as being overflowne, &c.; or the want of bounders, guards, provisions, long and great raines, wind, mists, &c., you are to take notice, by your selfe and other good witnesses, of the same.

11thly. You are to returne your originall and first plotts or protractions aforementioned, together with authentique transcripts of your field-bookes, with all allterations made afterward in your worke, well attested and vouched, as alsoe a booke of reference thereunto belonging, together with the barrony plotts as afore mentioned, with the names of the conductors, measurers, protractors, bounders, chainemen, guards, and of all others that were present at, or had any hand in that respective survey, with the places of their dwelling, that they may uppon occasion bee enquired of concerning any particular thereunto relating.

Things being in this forwardness, the Dr proceeded to make contracts with the severall persons hee imployed, vizt., with such surveyors as had lately been imployed uppon the grosse surrounds, and others who had wrought on former surveyes, commonly called, or calling themselves, the old surveyors, and alsoe such as had been more lately instructed and excercised in that faculty.

Itt is to be here remembered, that by the report of the 24th September, it appeares the Dr undertooke to reimburse the moneys exspended on the gross surrounds, provided they endured proofe, whereunto himselfe was lyable; soe that, in order to this proof and examination, the following order issued, the which order the Surveyor-Generall receiving, and the said surveyors comming to demand their monyes, twas desired their worke might be examined according to that proposall and the Councill's order. But the said Mr. Worsley, uppon pretences that the said examination required an additionall charge, and for other reasons, knowne indeed unto himselfe, but suspected by others, the thing was not done; whereuppon great wrangles arising, for quietness sake the