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survey, your owne, and other good information; giving all along the reason or cause of the difference betweene the qualities of the same lands, as they are now, and as they were heretofore returned.

Soe that you may, on the backeside of the plotts herewith delivered unto you, marke out the division of the respective lands, and their buildings uppon them, according to the names of the civill survey, placeing thereon the present housing, &c., and alsoe distinguishing the qualities, as you shall now find them by your owne view and observation.

I, Patricke Ragget, of Thurles, in the county of Tipperary, having been duely sworne, doe hereby certifie that the barronyess of Balleboy, Kilcorsy, Coolestowne, Warringstowne, Ballecowen, Clonliske, Phillipstowne, and Ballebret, in the King's County, have, by my selfe or sufficient assignes and partners, been surveyed and admeasured, according to the printed instructions hereunto annexed, and given unto me by Dr William Petty, especially according to the most materiall and essentiall parts of them, vizt., by returning the true quantity, quality, figure, scituation, name, proprietors, bounds, and buildings uppon and of all and every the parcells and surrounds of lands directed to be admeasured, together with the names of the meeresmen, and of their dwellings, who shewed the said lands.

And have reviewed, examined, and compared the survey and admeasurement of the barronyes of Upper Ormond, Lower Ormond, of Owney and Arra, of Owneybeg, and the territories of Kilnemanagh and Kilnelongurty, in the county of Tipperary, by surrounding and treading over the meares of all and every denomination of lands within the said barronyes, by the help and with the asistance of a jury of the countrey, and doe attest the same to have been well performed, according to the best of my care, skill, knowledge, and information. Given under my hand, this 10th January, 1655.

Pat. Ragget.

Soe that it cost the Doctor much labour to compare the said admeasurements with the present civill survey, and to reconcile the different names of the land, and distributions of them, into barronyes, parishes, and particular townelands, before he could resolve to send out the aforementioned Patricke Ragget to review it; and it cost him much in wages to the same person, before it would be resolved whether, after all the said experiments and charges, the