Page:Pharmacopoeia of India (1868).djvu/145

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and separate the green colouring matter by a calico filter. Heat the strained liquor to 200° to coagulate the albumen, and again filter. Evaporate the filtrate by a water bath to the consistence of a thin syrup ; then add to it the green colouring matter previously separated ; and stirring the whole together assiduously, continue the evaporation at a temperature not exceeding 140° until the extract is of a suitable consistence for forming pills.

Properties.-- Mild sedative, anodyne, and antispasmodic.

Therapeutic Uses.-- As a means of allaying cough in phthisis, bronchitis, asthma, and pertussis, it has been used with doubtful results ; it has likewise been prescribed in rheumatism, insanity, spermatorrhoea, dropsy, &c.

Dose.-- From five to twenty grains.

[Sir W. O'Shaughnessy (Bengal Disp., p. 407) mentions that he gave a trial to an Extract of Lettuce prepared in Calcutta, and found it distinctly sedative in six-grain doses. Dr. Graham (Calcutta Med. Phys. Trans., vol. iv. p. 1) furnishes some interesting remarks on the use of this drug in India.]


(Steph. and Church, Med. Bot., vol. ii. t. 97.)

Habitat.--Northern Africa, whence it has been introduced into Southern Europe.

Officinal Part.-- The root (Pyrethri Radix, Pellitory Root). Occurs in pieces about the length and thickness of the little finger, covered with a thick brown bark, studded with black shining points ; breaks with a resinous fracture, internal structure radiated. When chewed, it excites a prickling sensation in the lips and tongue, and a glowing heat. Its activity resides in an acrid resinous principle, Pyrethrin.

Properties.-- Stimulant ; locally applied, irritant and rubefacient ; sialagogue.

Therapeutic Uses.-- In toothache, relaxation of the uvula and tonsils, in some forms of aphonia, and in paralysis of the tongue, it has been used as a local application with advantage.

Preparation.-- Tincture of Pellitory (Tinctura Pyrethri). Take of Pellitory Root, in coarse powder, four ounces ; Rectified Spirit, one pint. Macerate the pellitory for forty-eight hours in fifteen fluid ounces of the spirit, in a closed vessel, agitating occasionally ; then transfer to a percolator; and when the fluid ceases to pass, continue the percolation with the remaining five ounces of spirit. Afterwards subject the contents