Page:Pharmacopoeia of India (1868).djvu/209

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evaporate what remains to the consistence of a soft extract; put this into a stoppered bottle with the ether, and macerate for twenty-four hours, shaking them frequently. Decant the ethereal solution ; recover part of the ether by distillation, and evaporate what remains to the consistence of a soft extract.

Externally applied, irritant. It is an ingredient in Linimentum Sinapis compositum.



(Bot. Mag., t. 2756, 2757. Steph. et Church. Med. Bot., vol. ii. t. 104.)

Habitat. Moluccas ; cultivated in the Malayan peninsula and archipelago, Ceylon, Malabar, and in some parts of tropical America.

Officinal Part. The kernel of the fruit (Myristica, Nutmeg); oval or nearly round, about an inch in length, marked externally with reticulated furrows ; internally greyish-red, with dark-brownish veins ; odour strong and peculiar; taste bitter and aromatic. Its activity resides in a volatile oil (Oleum Myristicæ).

Properties.--Stimulant and carminative ; in larger doses narcotic.

Therapeutic Uses.--In atonic diarrhoea, flatulence, flatulent colic, and some forms of dyspepsia, it has been used with advantage, but it is principally employed as an adjunct to other remedies. Used largely as a condiment.

Dose.--From ten to twenty grains.

Nutmegs enter into the composition of Pulvis Catechu compositus, Pulvis Gretas aromaticus, Spiritus Armoraciaæ compositus, and Tinctura Lavandulae composita.

Preparations.-- Volatile Oil of Nutmeg (Oleum Myristicæ). The oil obtained by distillation from Nutmegs. It is colourless or straw-coloured, having the odour and taste of nutmegs.

Dose.-- From one to five minims. Used locally for the relief of toothache. The oil forms an ingredient in Spiritus Myristicas, Spiritus Ammonise Aromaticus, and Pilula Aloes Socotrinse.

Spirit of Nutmeg (Spiritus Myristicæ). Take of Volatile Oil of Nutmeg, one fluid ounce; Rectified Spirit, forty-nine fluid ounces. Dissolve.

Dose.-- From thirty to sixty minims.