Page:Philip Birnbaum - ha-Siddur ha-Shalem (The Daily Prayer Book,1949).pdf/79

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Morning Service

Isaac. He confirmed the same to Jacob as a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying: "To you I give the land of Canaan as the portion of your possession." While they were but a few men, very few, and strangers in it; when they went about from nation to nation and from realm to realm, he permitted no man to oppress them, and warned kings concerning them: “Touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm!” Sing to the Lord, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. Recount his glory among the nations, and his wonders among all the peoples. For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the peoples are mere idols, but the Lord made the heavens. Majesty and beauty are in his presence; strength and joy are in his sanctuary. Ascribe to the Lord, O families of peoples, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Give to the Lord the honor due to his name; bring an offering and come before him; worship the Lord in holy array. Tremble before him, all the earth; indeed, the world is firm that it cannot be shaken. Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth exult, and let them say among the nations: “The Lord is King!” Let the sea and its fulness roar; let the field and all that is therein rejoice. Then let the trees of the forest sing before the Lord, for he comes to rule the world. Praise the Lord, for he is good; for his kindness endures forever. And say: “Save us, O God of our salvation, gather us and deliver us from the nations, to give thanks to thy holy name, to glory in thy praise.” Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from eternity to eternity. Then all the people said “Amen” and praised the Lord.

Exalt[1] the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool—holy is he. Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain, for holy is the Lord our God. He, being merciful, forgives iniquity, and does not destroy; frequently he turns his anger away, and does not stir up all his wrath. Thou, O Lord, wilt not hold back thy mercy from me; thy kindness and thy faithfulness will always protect me. Remember thy mercy, O Lord, and thy kindness, for

  1. The passage beginning with רוממו is composed of a variety of biblical verses.