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On the Attic Dionysia. 277 there must have been two distinct Dionysiac festivals at Athens : that which gave its name to the Ionian month Le- nseon, and that which continued in the age of Thucydides to be celebrated, in Attica as well as in Ionia, in the following month Anthesterion. The descriptions of Hesiod and Ana- creon leave no room for doubting, that the Ionian months Poseideon and Lenaeon answered to the Attic Poseideon and Gamelion. This result is confirmed by the comments of the Greek grammarians on the abovequoted lines of Hesiod, though their words involve an apparent difficulty which requires ex- planation. Proclus makes the following remark, which we transcribe with two manifestly necessary corrections of Ruhn- ken and Wyttenbach. WXovTap'^os ovoeva (prjal ixYJva Arjvai- wva KcikeKydai Trapa ViOiwToi<$* vTroirTevei oe tj top Bovkutlou avTov XeyeiVy 69 eaTiv tjXlov tov alyoKcpcov ciiovTO^y Kal tov (Boeckh'^s emendation for tov) ftov^opa tw BovKaTico crvvq^ov^ Tos^ cia TO 7rXe/<jTOf9 eu avTw ciaCpOeipeaOaL poa<$^ rj tov ' Epfiaiov, 69 eaTL jutexa tov Boiy/cartoi/, Kai 6^9 tuvtov ^PX^' M61/09 Tip TafxrjXiooviy KaO 6v ra Arjvaia Trap AOrjvaioi^. ' Iwve^ oe TovTov ovo aXft)9, aXXa Arjvaicova KoXovcrtv. Hence it appears that Plutarch, who had written on Hesiod'^s poem, compared Lenaeon with the Boeotian month Bucatius (the antiquity of which is too clearly attested by its name, to leave room for the supposition that it had taken the place of Lenaeon after the time of Hesiod), only however from conjecture, founded partly on the coincidence between the name Bucatius (from j3oiJ9 Kaiveiv) and the poet'^s (iovSopa^ and partly on the character of the season, as we learn from another reference to Plutarch's work, which we owe to Hesychius, who writes : At]vaiwv jULtjv* .ovoeva twv fjLTjvcvv BotwroJ ovtw KaXovaiV €LKa^€i oe o VWovTap^o^ ISovkcctiov* Kal yap ^^XP^^ eaTiv' eviOL ^€ Tov^^Ep/uaiov 09 KaTa (perhaps we ought to read fxcTa with Proclus) tov Bovkcltiov ecTTiv Kal yap * Adrjvaloi ttjv Twv Arjvaioov eopTYfv ev avTw ay ovcnv. Bucatius, as follows from the description, 09 ecjTiv rfKiov tov aiyiKepcov cllovto^^ corresponds to the Attic Gamelion, which probably began the old Attic year, as did Bucatius the Boeotian. But either Plutarch or some other writers (to whom Hesychius alludes in his evLot) conjectured that Hesiod's Lcn.Teon might be Her- niccus, which followed Bucatiue., and coincided with Gamelion.