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[Vol. II.

based on the two Parisian MSS., 3472 of the bibliotheca Mazarinea and 14700 of the bibliotheca Nationalis, along with the other two above mentioned. Of the five treatises into which the dialogue Fons vitae is divided, the first three parts are printed in fasciculi I and II, i.e., (1) on the assignment of universal matter and universal form and on the assignment of matter and form in composite substances; (2) on substance as the basis of the corporeality of the world; (3) on the affirmation of simple substances. The various readings are given at the foot of the pages. The painstaking and scholarly work in these contributions of Baeumker make them a sine qua non for the investigation of the particular subjects they treat.

W. H.

Ueber die Abstraction. Dr. H. Schmidkunz. Halle, C. E. M. Pfeffer, 1889. — pp. 43.

This pamphlet contains, besides preface and index of authors quoted, two chapters: on the essential nature of abstraction, and on the limits of abstract and concrete. The writer's thesis is that the process in abstraction is that of logical accentuation (logische Verstärkung). This accentuation is more than the conscious content of attention.

E. B. T.

Analytische und synthetische Phantasie. Dr. H. Schmidkunz. Halle, C. E. M. Pfeffer, 1889. — pp. 103.

Six chapters on imagination, (1) Special basis: the origin and effect of the work of art; the movement of mind and of imagination; literature. (2) General basis: induction and deduction, etc. (3) Creative imagination: the origin of imagination, of the drama, etc. (4) Receptive imagination: synthesis and analysis. (5) Relation to knowledge and nature: the principles of the work of art, idealism and naturalism, etc. (6) Differences in value: the superiority of analysis. Index of authors quoted and of contents.

E. B. T.

The following books have also been received:

The Modalist : A Text-Book in Formal Logic. By Edward John Hamilton, D.D., Professor of Philosophy in Hamilton College, N.Y. Boston, Ginn & Co., 1891. — pp. 331.

The Human, and its Relation to the Divine. By Theodore F. Wright, Ph.D. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott Company, 1892. — pp. 271.

An Introduction to the Science of Thought. By S. S. Hebberd. Madison, Wis., Tracy, Gibbs & Co., 1892. — pp. 84.

On the Perception of Small Differences. By George Stuart Fullerton and James McKeen Cattell. Philadelphia, U. of P. Press, 1892. — pp. 159.

Grundriss der Philosophie. Von Johannes Eitle, Professor am ev.-theol. Seminar in Urach. Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr. — pp. 204.

Kant's Systematik als systembildender Factor. Von Dr. Erich Adickes. Berlin, 1887, Mayer & Miiller. — pp. 174.

Immanuel Kant's Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen. Herausgegeben von Dr. Erich Adickes. Berlin, 1889, Mayer & Müller. — pp. 723.