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No. 3.]

been required, and the Bibliography would have grown into a complete history of the Kantian Philosophy.

My original intention of reading through everything myself has been given up in the case of works earlier than the middle of this century, on account both of lack of time, and of the impossibility of obtaining writings, some of which have become very rare. I have then been forced to confine myself in many cases to book-reviews (usually several). But all judgments on important publications rest on my own reading.

I have included the reviews of Kant's works, so far as they have come within reach, because they are valuable supplements to the history of Kantian Philosophy, and in part not without worth in themselves. They are arranged according to the periodical in which they appeared. Following "Das Allgemeine Repertorium der Litteratur" (1785-1800) I have placed after reviews an * when the book is commended, a † when it is condemned, an *† when it is more praised than censured, a †* when it is more censured than praised; if there is no sign, the book is regarded as mediocre or no definite judgment is passed on it. At the end of the Bibliography, preceding the indexes, I shall publish corrections and additions, and shall be very grateful to all readers for any suggestions and assistance through the medium of the Philosophical Review; completeness in a Kant Bibliography can be attained only through united effort.

List of Abbreviations Employed.

I. D. = Inaugural Dissertation.

A. D. B., 50, I, 17 = Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek. Vol. 50, Part 1, p. 17.

A. G., II, 30 = Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophic, 1884. Vol. II, p. 30.

A. L. Z., 1791, III, 345 or 1791. I. B. 3 = Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung. Jena, 1791. Vol. III, p. 345 or 1791. Intelligenzblatt, p. 3.

A. M., II. = Altpreussische Monatsschrift, 1864. Vol. 2, et seq.

A. R. = Kant: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre (No. 90).

A. T. = Kant: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Tugendlehre (No. 90).

Athr. = Kant: Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (No. 98).

B. M., 1789, 14, S. 49 = Berlinische Monatsschrift, 1789. Vol. 14, p. 49.

Eck., 1794, III, 3, S. 7 = Ik. Gr. Rdf. Eckermanns Theologische Beyträge, 1794. Vol. III, Part 3, p. 7.

Elz., 1791, I, 1 = Erlanger Literaturzeitung, 1791. Vol. 1, p. 1.

Erf. 1791, S. 1 = Erfurter gelehrte Zeitung, 1791, p. 1.

Ex. Ph., 17, 3 = Zeitschrift für exacte Philosophie. Vol. 17, p. 3.