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No. 3.]

more than to Americans. But it cannot claim to contain anything of philosophic interest or novelty, unless it be that the preëxistence of the soul should be maintained from so 'orthodox' a standpoint, and falls to pieces physically with the slightest handling and logically with the least criticism.

F. C. S. Schiller.

Jurisprudenz und Rechtsphilosophie. Kritische Abhandlungen. Von Dr. Karl Bergbohm, Docenten des öff. Rechts an der Universität Dorpat, Associé des Institut de Droit International. Erster Band: Einleitung. — Erste Abhandlung: Das Naturrecht der Gegenwart. Leipzig, Verlag von Duncker & Humblot, 1892. — pp. xvi, 566.

In this first volume of Bergbohm's Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law there are four prefatory essays: on contemporary Philosophy of Law; on defects in the terminology of the subject; on defects in the fundamental juristic notions; and on the lack of a systematic coördination of fundamental notions in Jurisprudence. The main part of the work contains chapters on the notion of natural law in history, an account of its development and present status, especially in Germany, a criticism of natural law and an emended form of the historical theory of law, with particular reference to the theory of Savigny-Puchtasche. A review of the volume will follow.

W. H.

The following books have also been received:

Die Probleme der Philosophie und ihre Lösungen. Historisch-kritisch dargestellt von O. Flügel. Dritte Auflage. Cöthen, Otto Schulze, 1893. – pp. xiv, 272.

Introduction and Notes to the Fifth Book of Cicero's Tusculan Disputations. By Frank Smalley, A.M., Ph.D. Syracuse, N. Y. S. W. Durston, 1892. – pp. 83.

A Manual of Ethics. Designed for the use of Students. By John S. Mackenzie. London, W. B. Clive & Co., 1892. – pp. xxvi, 339.

Ethics. An introductory Manual for the Use of University Students. By F. Ryland, M. A. London, Geo. Bell & Sons; New York, Macmillan & Co., 1893. – pp. x, 220.

Vera Vita. The Philosophy of Sympathy. By David Sinclair. London, Dighy, Long & Co., 1892. – pp. 186.

Rousseau und die deutsche Geschichtsphilosophie. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Idealismus. Von Richard Fesser. Stuttgart, G. J. Göschen'sche Verlagshandlung, 1890. – pp. x, 340.

Leibniz als Jurist und Rechtsphilosoph. Von Dr. Gustav Hartmann. Tübingen, 1892. H. Laupp'sche Buchhandlung. – pp. 121.

Beitrag zur Darstellung und Kritik der moralischen Bildungslehre Kant's. Von Dr. Ernst Temming. Inaugural Dissertation. Braunschweig, Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn, 1892. – pp. 55.