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[Vol. II.

GERMAN KANTIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. 427 168) A. D. B. 1765. I, I, pp. 149-154: Announcement of K.'s prize- essay on " Deutlichkeit" (no. 35). 169) A. D. B. 4, II. 1767. p. 281: Brief announcement of K.'s " Traume " (no. 40). 170) A. D. B. 5, II. 1767. p. 273: Brief announcement of K.'s " Beobachtungen " (no. 38). 171) Herder, J. Gfr. : Rev.* of K.'s " Traume " (no. 40), in : K. G. Z., 1766, no. 1 8, March 3rd, reprinted in : Suphan, Herder's Complete Works, vol. I, pp. 125-130. Several shorter essays by H., all of which reflect the views held by K. at that time, belong to this period. The same standpoint is especially prominent in : 172) Herder: Ueber die neuere deutsche Litter atur. Fragments supple- mentary to the " Briefe, die neueste Litteratur betreffend." Third collection. Small 8vo. Riga. 1767. Hartknoch. pp. 102-122. First collection, second completely revised edition. 1768. Hartknoch. pp. 241-260. The following writings deal with H.'s dependence on K. and with the criticisms which he passed on K.'s philosophy at different stages of his life : 173) Suphan, B.: Herder als Schuler Kanfs in "Zeitschrift fur deutsche Philologie." 1873. Vol. IV, pp. 225-237 ; and based on more abundant materials : 1 74) Haym, R. : Herder nach seinem Leben imd semen Werken. Vol.1. First half. Large 8vo. Berlin. 1877. Gaertner. pp. 30-51. 175) Lenz,Reinh.: Gedicht auf Kant. (Very turgid), in commemoration of the 21 st of Aug. 1770, the day on which K. held the disputation for the professorship, in: A. M., 1867, IV, pp. 655 seq., also in: " Lenz und Wagner," ed. by N. Sauer. Berlin and Stuttgart. Spemann. " Deutsche National-Litteratur," ed. by Jos. Kiirschner. Vol. LXXX. pp. 215-216. 176) Schiiltz, Joh. : Rev.* of K.'s Dissertatio pro loco (no. 42), in K. G. Z. 1771. Nos. 94 and 95, Nov. 22 and 25. pp. 369-371, 373-375. 177) Her z, Marc. : Betrachtungen aus der spekulativen Weltweisheit. Small 8 vo. Konigsberg. 1771. Kanter. pp. 158. (Commentary to K.'s Dissertatio pro loco [no. 42], which amplifies many points merely suggested in the same, conforming throughout to K.'s meaning.) 1770) Bacmeister, H. L. Ch. : Russische Bibliothek. 1773. Vol. I, nos. 4-6, pp. 530 : Brief announcement of K.'s " Beobachtungen " (no. 38). 1 78) (v. Hippel, Th. G. .-) Lebensldufe nach aufsteigender Linie. With supplements A, B, C. 8vo. Berlin. Voss. Part I, 1778, pp. 526 ; Part II, r 779> PP- 660 ; Part III, vol. i, 1781, pp. 452 ; vol. 2, 1781, pp. 652. In Th. G. v. Hippel's Complete Works. 8vo. Berlin. Reimer. Vol. I, 1827, pp. 368 ; Vol. II-IV, 1828, pp. 456, 310, 450. (As H. himself informed Borowski, it was one of the aims of this work to popularize K.'s views, with which H. had become acquainted as K.'s pupil and table companion and through lecture-note-books. It is a fact that many of the ideas of theoretical and practical philosophy, which K. afterward made public in his critical writings, are herein contained, especially in the second volume e. g., 1828,