Page:Philosophical Review Volume 2.djvu/767

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[N.B. — (a) stands for original articles, (b) for book-notices, (d) for discussions, (n) for notes, (r) for reviews of books, and (s) for summaries.]


Abstraction, On, (b) 122.
Adickes, Dr. E., (n) 639; His German Kantian Bibliography, (a) 257, 426, 557. 690.
Ǣsthetic Element in Morality, (b) 499.
Ǣsthetics, (s) 236, (b) 248; Hedonic, (s) 354; The Field of, Psychologically Considered, (s) 94; A History of, (r) 63; Philosophy of the Beautiful, (b) 505.
Alcott, A. Bronson: His Life and Philosophy, (b) 633.
Anthropometry and Experimental Psychology, (a) 187, (n) 512.
Aphasia, Trouble of the Musical Faculties in, (s) 96.
Appearance and Reality, (b) 750.
Aristotle, The Nichomachean Ethics of, (b) 120, 637; Neo-Platonic Biographies of, (s) 745.
Art, The Blind and, (s) 734.
Asceticism, Metaphysics and, (s) 368, 494.
Association, Assimilation and, (s) 606; On the Fundamental Forms of, (s) 235; The American Psychological, (n) 256.
Attention and Reaction, (s) 611; Disturbances of, during Simple Mental Processes, (s) 102.
Automatism, The 'New' Psychology and, (s) 484.


Baldwin, Professor J. M., (n) 640; His Elements of Psychology, (b) 506; His Article Internal Speech and Song, (a) 385.
Belief, Metaphysical, (s) 366; Psychological Analysis of, (a) 408.
Beliefs, Distinction and the Criticism of, (r) 76.
Beneficence, Negative, and Positive Beneficence, (r) 720.
Berkeley, His Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous (ed. Banerji), (b) 749.
Bibliography, German Kantian, (a) 258, 426, 557, 690.


Campanella, Tommaso, and the City of the Sun, (s) 113.
Cerebellum, The, (r) 475.
Certitude, (a) 665.
Character, The Diverse Forms of, (s) 95; and Conduct, (s) 612.
Chicago Exposition, Philosophy at the, (n) 124, 752.
Children, Moral Instruction of, (r) 86.
Christianity Defensively Stated, (b) 379.
Color Sensations in Indirect Vision, (s) 481; Elementary Sensations in Color Systems, (s) 358.
Color-blindness, Contributions to our Knowledge of, (s) 99.
Concepts, Fundamental of the Present, (b) 376.
Consciousness, The Evolution of, (s) 237; Relations as the Constitutive Element of, (b) 746.
Contrast, Successive, (s) 102.
Crime, The Study of, (s) 105.
Critical Philosophy, A Study in the Development of, (a) 54.
Cutaneous Sensibility, (r) 73.