Page:Philosophical Review Volume 3.djvu/52

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[Vol. III.

129-139. (An acute, if not exhaustive, defence of the preferment of the happiness of rational beings as the first moral principle. Against this:)

712) Snell, Chr. W.: Erinnerungen gegen den Aufsatz: Ueber Herrn Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Same place, 1789. September, pp. 48-75. (Worthless and verbose. Snell represents Kant's view to be that there is required for the application of his first formal principle a material foundation,—the experiential ideas of the pleasant, of happiness, and of the means to its attainment. Snell's objections to the happiness-principle, which he had completely misunderstood, was easily rebutted in:)

713) Antwort an den Herrn Prorector Snell auf seine Erinnerungen gegen den Aufsatz: Ueber Herrn Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Same place. 1789. December, pp. 462-487. (Lastly, this was replied to, not more happily than on the first occasion, by:)

714) Snell, Chr. W. in An den Herrn Verfasser der Antwort auf meine Erinnerungen gegen den Aufsatz: Ueber Herrn Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten. Same place. 1790. May, pp. 1-21. June, pp. 156-178. (Answered by Rapp, in 1790.-All four articles were reprinted in Mtr., iii, pp. 137-221.)

715-718, Kleuker.

715) Kleuker, Jh. F.: De libertate morali ex ratione Kantiana. Programma. 4to. Osnabrück. 1789. pp. 20. (Baseless arguments against Kant's doctrine of freedom, which the author has not understood and believes to rest on a circulus in probando. Speculative ideas, it is said, are in this case, where it is a question of the active and perceptive individual, placed in all the relations of practical life, neither sources of information nor means of satisfaction.)

716) Kleuker, Jh. Fr.: Neue Prüfung und Erklärung der vorzüglichsten Beiveise für die Wahrheit und den göttlichen Ursprung des Christenthums, wie der Offenbarung überhaupt, auf Veranlassung neuerer Schriften und besonders des Hierocles, für diejenigen, welche gründliche Einsicht und Ueberzeugung lieben, ohne oft zu wissen, woran sie sich bey gewissen Dingen halten sollen. Second part, containing a criticism of the most recent works on philosophy of religion. 8vo. Riga. Hartknoch. pp. 372. (The title of the work suffices to indicate the standpoint of the author. Kant's philosophy of religion and moral-theology are rejected, but combated less in terms of argument than in those of empty declamation and wanton ridicule. Kleuker's attitude is rightly animadverted upon, in a review in the:)

717) A. L. Z. 1790. IV, pp. 809-816. (To this Kleuker opposes a very weak defence, in the:)

718) A. L. Z. 1791. I. B., pp. 392-394.

718a) Klügel, E. Gf. Ch. Cf. no. 536.