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[Vol. III.


The Editors of Mind request that all MSS. from America intended for that Journal be sent to Professor Titchener, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., instead of to Mr. Stout, as has hitherto been the case.

Professor French of Colgate University, formerly Fellow in the Sage School of Philosophy, has been called to the chair of Philosophy at Vassar College.

Dr. Ernst Meumann, the author of important researches upon the ' time- sense,' has habilitated as Privatdocent at Leipzig, with a work entitled: Untersuchungen zur Psychologi und Aesthetik des Rhythmus, and a lecture on Empirische und experimentelle Aesthetik, das Verhältniss ihrer Aufgaben und Methoden.

Dr. O. Külpe, for some years past Privatdocent at Leipzig and first assistant in Wundt's Institute, author of the Grundriss der Psychologie recently noticed in the Review, has been appointed to an extraordinary professorship in his University. His inaugural lecture was Ueber die Aufgabe der Philosophie.

The philosophical staff in Leipzig has also been further strengthened by the addition of Professor Volkelt, formerly professor in Würzburg, and author of Immanuel Kant's Erkenntnisstheorie nach ihren Grundprincipien analysirt, Das Unbewusste und der Pessimissmus, etc., etc.