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[Vol. III.

ness,—distinguishing, it is true, subject and object within this, but not bringing into consideration at all the actual object ["Urding"],—it has plainly no right to deny the possibility of this, and its utterances with regard to knowledge are mere tautological propositions. There is, however, one consideration which more than any other prevents the ascription of any real value to Brastberger's investigations: the consideration that in contradiction to the truly historical method, he does not interpret the systems from themselves, but in syncretic fashion imports into them what he recognizes as truth, and then finds this truth contained in them as the view of the particular philosopher himself. So that—especially in the first three essays—the whole difference between Dogmatism and Criticism appears to be removed, or to consist, if it remains, only in empty disputes about words: since Dogmatism is supposed never to have advanced the claim of determining anything with regard to the "Urdinge," apart from the way in which we must think them to ourselves, i. e., with regard to the mode of their existence outside of our faculty of ideation.)

751) Brastberger: Schlüssel zu einer leichten und natürlichen Erklärung der Vernunft-Kritik, Philosophen zur Prüfung vorgelegt. In the Ph. Mg. 1792. IV, pp. 381-405. (The Kritik is not by any means seriously intended by Kant. He merely advanced paradoxes, in order to disturb the philosophical slumber by a wholesome shock!!!)

752) Brastberger: 1st die kritische Grenzberichtigung unserer Erkenntniss wahr, und wenn sie es ist, ist sie auch neu? In the Ph. A. 1793. I, 4, pp. 91-122. II, I, pp. 70-94.

753) Brastberger: Kurze Revision des Streites über den Werth una die Brauchbarkeit der beyden oberen Erkenntnissgründe, nämlich des Satzes des Widerspruchs und des zureichenden Grundes. In the Ph. A. 1794. II, 2, pp. 60-101. (Eberhard was, naturally, but little satisfied with the exposition of Dogmatism quoted above, and appended to the two last-named essays two continuations:)

754) Eberhard: Nachschrift zu der vorstehenden Abhandlung. In the Ph. A. 1793. II, I, pp. 94-111.

755) Eberhard: Nachschrift zu dem vorstehenden Aufsatze. In the Ph. A. 1794. II, 2, pp. 102-119. (Answered by Brastberger, in:)

756) Brastberger: Schreiben an den Herausgeber. In the Ph. A. 1795. II, 4, pp. 74-106. (We find precisely the same unhistorical method, of introducing his own views into the works of a strange author, in:)

757) Brastberger: Untersuchungen über Kants Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Large 8vo. Tübingen. 1792. Cotta. pp. 259. (These he defends against the well-founded attacks of the Oberdeutsche allgemeine Litteratur-Zeitung, in the Ph. A.:)

758) Brastberger: Berichtigung einer Recension in der Oberdeutschen Litteratur-Zeitung als ein Nachtrag zu meinen Untersuchungen über die Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. 1794. II, 3, pp. 79-115. 1795. II, 4,