Page:Philosophical Review Volume 3.djvu/62

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[Vol. III.

too rigorous. In opposition to this inconsequent talk about feeling, G. L. Bekenn attempted [anonymously] to restore to reason her right of distinguishing between truth and error, in:)

764) Kantische Philosophie, Ueber die—, mit Hinsicht auf gewisse Bedürfnisse unseres Zeitalters,—auch Briefe an Emma. 8vo. Bremen. 1791. Cramer, pp. 122.

764a-e) Feder, I. G. H. Cf. nos. 269, 323, 329, 330, 332.

764f) Geist, Der—wahrer Religion. Eine Idee. Von S. [F. H. Chn. Schwarz.} 8vo. Marburg. New academical press. pp. 108. (Kant's moral-theology is popularly expounded in poetic, vulgo bombastic language, as the only true religion.)

765) Gerhards, I. H.: Tentamen philosophicum. 4to. Koblenz. 1790.

766) Gerhards: Exercitium philosophicum. 4to. Koblenz. 1791. (Two summaries of Kant's philosophy, differing only in arrangement and omission or addition. The one is preceded by an epitome of Reinhold's Theorie, the other by a synopsis of empirical psychology.)

766a-c G. g. A. II. Review* of U. Cf. no. 332, and also nos. 728, 734f.

767) Gth. II, pp. 710 ff, 717 ff. Review* of U.

768) Gth. II, pp. 785 ff. Review* of Kant's Entdeckung (no. 70).

768a-c) Heydenreich, K. H. Cf. nos. 678, 687, 688.

768d) Hufeland, Gli. Cf. no. 216.

768e-g) Jakob, L. Hr. Cf. nos. 347, 348, 364.

768h-j) Kästner, A. G. Cf. nos. 541-543.

768k) Kiesewetter, Jh. Gf. K. Chr. Cf. no 462.

768l) Kosmann, J. W. A. Cf. no. 721.

769) Koch, I.: Positiones selectae ex philosophia. Heidelberg. 1790-1792. 1794. (1791. 8vo. pp. 32. 1792. 4to. Koch Praes.—K. Kinle defend. 1794. 4to. Koch Praes.—Ik. F. v. Zentner defend.) (Separate propositions, without any exact connexion, on the lines of the thought of Kant, Reinhold, Jakob, and Reuss. Cf. Wedekind, 1793.)

770) Kritik der schönen Vernunft, von einem Neger. 8vo. Fetz and Marokko. The brothers Ylepp. 1800. [Leipzig. 1790. Dyk.] pp. 70. (Unsuccessful satire upon the Kantian philosophy. Some good, though very commonplace objections are lost among a crowd of bad misunderstandings.)

771) Ludwig, G. Mrt.: Prüfung ungeniessbarer Aufklärungen der Naturalisten, Materialisten, Idealisten und Pantheisten, gefertiget von einem Orthodoxen. 8vo. Leipzig. In commission with Hilscher. pp. 323. (Itself an "ungeniessbares" medley of unwarranted inferences and sheer misunderstandings. Kant is a monist and an egoist; though at the same time, according to another passage, he denies his own existence. The whole Kritik is found to be based upon paralogisms.)

771a, b) Maass, I. G. E. Cf. nos. 484, 518.