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[Vol. III.

800) Maimon: Ueber Täuschung. 1791. Vol. I, Part III. pp. 274-287.

801) Maimon: Ueber das Vorsehungsvermögen. 1791. Vol. II, Part V. pp. 45-67.

802) Maimon: Ueber Stetigkeit in der Natur. 1791. Vol. II, Part VI. pp. 136-145.

803) Maimon: Ueber die Theodicee. 1791. Vol. II, Part XI. pp. 190-212. (Directed against Kant's essay in the B. M. [no. 73]. A Theodicee is unnecessary, because the questions which occasion it are unfounded.)

804) Maimon: Ueber den Geschmack. 1792. Part III. pp. 204-220. Part IV. pp. 296-315.

805) Maimon: Ankündigung und Aufforderung zu einer allgemeinen Revision der Wissenschaften: einer königl. Akad. d. Wiss. vorgelegt. 1792. September. Part IX. pp. 42-52.

806) Maimon: Ueber die Schwärmerei. In the Magazin fur Erfahrungsseelenkunde, herausgegeben von K. Ph. Moritz und Sal. Maimon. 1793. Vol. X, Part II. pp. 43-84. (Maimon published many essays in the Magazin, which, however, do not belong here. In no. 806 he polemizes against Kant's doctrine of the reason and its ideas. Cf. no. 772, 6.)

807) Maimon: Ueber den Gebrauch der Philosophie, zur Erweiterung der Erkenntniss. In the Nth. Ph. J. II, I. 1795. pp. 1-35. (A summary partially revised and aimed at popularity, was published as:)

808) Maimon: Das Genie und der methodische Erfinder. In the B.M. 1795. XXVI, October. pp. 362-384.

809) Maimon: Pragmatische Geschichte des Begriffs von Philosophie, und Beurtheilung der neuern Methode zu philosophieren. In the Nth. Ph. J. VI, 2. 1797. pp. 150-181.

810) Maimon: Die philosophische Sprachverwirrung. In the Nth. Ph. J. VII, 3. 1797. pp. 213-258.

811) Maimon: Erklärung einer allgemeinbekannten merkwürdigen anthropologischen Erscheinung. In the Neue B. M. 1800. Vol. III. Jänner. pp. 61-72. (Explanation of the phenomenon, which is also referred to by Kant [Anthropologie, p. 4], that children only begin comparatively late to speak of themselves in the first, and not the third person.)

812) Maimon: Der moralische Skeptiker. In the Berlinisches Archiv der Zeit und ihres Geschmacks. 1800. October.

813) Maimon: Sophistik des menschlichen Herzens. In the Neue B. M. 1801. Vol. V. Jänner. pp. 44-76. (Incomplete. 'Heart'=faculty of desire. Among other things, the origin of moral good and evil is investigated.)

814) Ideen und Plane aus Maimons hinterlassenen Papieren. In Fr. Bouterweks Neues Museum der Philosophie und Literatur. Leipzig. 1802. Vol. I, Part I, no. 8. 1804. Stück IV (Vol. II, Part II), no. 7. (Details as to Maimon's philosophical views are to be found in:)

815) Witte, J. H.: Salomon Maimon. Die merkwiirdigen Schicksalę