writing before the Royal Society, the 28 March 1666. by Mr. Hook, as follows;
Having a great desire (saith he) to observe the Body of Mars, whilst Acronycal and Retrograde (having formerly with a Glass of about 12. foot long, observ'd some kind of Spots in the Face of it,) though it be not at present in the Perihelium of its Orbe, but nearer its Aphelium, yet I found, that the Face of it, when neer its Opposition to the Sun (with a Charge, the 36. foot glass, I made use off; would well bear) appear'd very near as big, as that of the Moon to the naked eye; which I found, by comparing it with the Full Moon, near adjoining to it, March 10.
But such had been the ill disposition of the Air for several nights, that from more than 20. Observations of it, which I had made since its being Retrograde, I could find nothing of Satisfaction, though I often imagin'd, I saw Spots, yet the Inflective veins of the Air (if I may so call those parts, which, being interspers'd up and down in it, have a greater or less Refractive power, than the Air next adjoining, with which they are mixt) did make it so confus'd and glaring, that I could not conclude upon any thing.
On the third of March, though the Air were still bad enough yet I could see now and then the Body of Mars appearing of the form A: which I presently described by Scheme; and about 10. minutes after, as exactly representing what I saw through the Glass, as I could, I drew the Scheme B. This I was sufficiently satisfied (by very often observing it through the Tube, and changing my Eye into various positions, that so there might be no kind of Fallacy in it) could be nothing else, but some more Dusky and Spotted parts of the Face of this Planet.
March 10. finding the Air very bad, I made use of a very shallow Eye-glass, as finding nothing Distinct with the greater Charge; and saw the appearance of it as in C, which I imagin'd, might be the Representation of the former Spots by a lesser charge. About 3 of the Clock the same morning, the Air being very bad (though to appearance exceeding clear, and causing all the Stars to twinckle, and the minute Stars to appear very thick) the Body seem'd like D; which I still suppos'd to be