as the Turn is composed. For, when the Glasses do wear, especially when they are very convex, it cannot be otherwise, but the Mandril will play and wrigle, before the Sorue be made firm.
But he doubts, whether all can be remedied, which he leavs to the industry of Mr. Hook, considering what he saith in the Preface of his Micrography, touching a Method, he knows, of finding out as much in Mechanicks, as can be found in Geometry by Algebra.
Besides this, he taketh notice, that most of those that medle with Optick-Glasses, give them not as much Aperture, nor charge them so deep as they ought. And he instances in the Telescope, which His Majesty of Great Britain presented the Duke of Orleans with, videl. that it did bear but 2 inches, and 9 lines French, for its greatest Aperture, though there be 5 or 6 lesser Apertures, of which it seems (saith he) the Artificer would have those, that use it, serve themselves more ordinarily, than of the greatest; which conveys but almost half as many Rays as it should do, according to his Calculation, which is, as 9 to 16; Whereas, according to his Table of Aperture, an excellent 35 foot Telescope should bear 4 inches Aperture in proportion to excellent small ones. He notes also, that the Eye-glass of the said Telescope, composed of 2 Glasses, hath no more effect, when it is most charged, than a Glass of 412 inches; which makes it magnifie not a 100 times. And he finds by Mr. Hook, that he esteems a Telescope made in London of 60 feet, (which amount to about 57 feet of France, the foot of France being to that of England as about 15 to 16) because it can bear at least 3 English inches Aperture, and that there are few of 30 feet, that can bear more than 2 inches, (which is but 2212 Lines French) although he (M. Auzout) gives no less Aperture. than so, to a 15 foot-Telescope, and his of 21 feet hath ordinarily 2 Inches, 4 Lines, or 2 inches, 6 Lines Aperture.
This Discourse he Concludeth with exhorting those, that work Optick-Glasses, to endeavor to make them such, that they may bear great Apertures and deep Eye-glasses; seeing it is not the length that gives esteem to Telescopes; but on the contrary renders them less estimable, by reason of the trouble accom-