Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 002.djvu/16

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Marium & Ventorum, c. 15. And what other particulars are observable upon all those Coasts, concerning the Tydes?

10. Whether there be any Discoveries newer, than the newest printed Maps, of the parts of the World North-east of Japan? And whether Japan be truly an Island, or no?

11. What is the true way of making and colouring China-Dishes; and how in China and Japan, they make the Black-vernish?

12. With what Materials, and how they paint both upon Cloths, commonly call'd Pintado's, and likewise upon Canvas, &c?

13. Whether the Lignum Aloes be the Wood, or Root of a Tree? In what Countrey it is found? And how to know the best of the kind?

14. Whether the best Tea be that, which comes Forth at the first of the Spring, and are the Top-leaves? In what manner 'tis dried; and whether the too hasty drying thereof hurts it?

15. Whether there grows a Wood in Java, that naturally smells like humane Excrement? And if so, what it kind of ground it grows in?

16, Whether in the Molucque Islands there be a Red Wood, which burns, sparkles, and flames, without being consumed; yet may be reduced to powder, by rubbing between ones fingers?

17. Whether near the Fort of Ternate there be a Plant, call'd by the inhabitants Catopa, whence fall little Leaves, which are turned into Butter-flies?

18. Whether in Pegu, and other places of the East-Indies, they use poyson, that kills by smelling, and yet the poisonous smell is hardly perceived?

19. Whether it be true, that the onely Antidote hitherto known, against the famous and fatal Macassar-poyson, is humane Ordure, taken inwardly? And what substance that poyson is made of?

20. Whether there be such a Vegetable in Java, call'd Mangas bravas, that is so poisonous, that it kills presently, and for which no remedy hath been yet found?

21. Where the best Calamba-wood, or Palo d' Aquila, grows? Whether the Palo d' Aquila be much inferior to Calamba; and
