whereof we are obliged to the Author of the Journal des Scavans) undertakes to prove, that the Transfusion is yet of greater Antiquity, as having been known to Libavius above 50, years since, For which, that Roman Author alledgeth a place out of the said Libavius (in Defensione Syntagmatis Arcanorum Chymicorum contra Heningum Schneumannum, actione 2. pag. 8. Edit. Francos. A. 1615.) where the Transfusion is so plainly described, that one can hardly discourse of it with more clearness, than there is done, in these words: Adsit (saith Libavius l. c.) Juvenis robustus, sanus, sanguine spirituoso plenus: Adstet exhaustus viribus, tenuis, malicentus, vix animam trahens. Magister artis habeat tubulos argenteos inter, se congurentes, aperiat arteriam robusti, & tubulum inserat muniatque; mox & ægroti arteriam findat, & tubulum fœmineum infigat. Jam duos tubulos sibi mutuo applicet, & ex sano snguis arterialis, calens & spirituosus saliet in ægrotum, unaque vatæ fontem afferet omnemque languorem pellet. This indeed is cleer enough, and obliges us to averre a greater antiquity of this operation, than before we were aware of; though 'tis true, Libavius did not propose it but only to mock at it (which is the common fate of new Inventions, in their Cradle;) besides that he contrives it with great danger, both to the Recipient and Emmittent, by proposing to open Arteries in both; which indeed may be practised upon Brutes, but ought by no means upon Man.
Mr. Gregories Answer
This Answer we shall give the Reader in the same Language and Words, in which the Author of it desired, it might be inferred in this Tract, vis.
AD ea quæ dicit D. Hugenius contra meam Circ. & Hyperb. Quadraturam, ingenue fateor (cum illa scriberem) me non animadvertisse exemplum in prop. 10. non esse seriem convergentem; experientiam enim feci solummodo de primis & secundis terminis, non considerando tertios cum primis coincidere; nam ratiociniis insistebam, de exemplis parum solicitus: Ut autem apparent in hoc nihil contineri contra nostram Doctrinam, agedum hoc loco 10. prop. totidem verbis, sedcum legitimo exemplo, repetamus,