Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 003.djvu/2

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Numb. 33
Beginning the Fourth Year.



Monday, March 16. 1667/8

The Contents.

An Introduction to the Fourth Year of these Tracts.An Account of the Invention of Grinding Optick and Burning-Glasses of a Figure not Spherical, lately produced before the R. Society.Some Observations by way of Answer to some of the Inquiries concerning Tydes, proposed Numb. 17. and 18.Queries and Directions for the Caribbe-Islands.An Account of two Books:I. SAGGI DI NATURALI ESPERIENZE satte nell' ACADEMIA del CIMENTO, in FIREZENZE A. 1667. in Fol.II. VERA CIRCULI & HYPERBOLÆ QUADRATURA, in propria sua Proportionis specie inventa & demonstrata à JOCOBO GREGORIO Scoto, PATAVII in1667: Whence a Method is deduced of Measuring the Area of an Ayperbole, and consequently finding the Logarithim of any Number, and é contra: And this applyed to the Gauging or Mensuration of any Segment of any Cone, &c.

An Introduction

To the Fourth Year of these Tracts.

In my first Number (of March, in the Year 1665.) I render'd the reasons and purposes of these Philosophical Communications. In the Second Year (beginning in March A. 1666. at Numb. 10.) I endeavour'd to revive and impress the Utility of these United Correspondencies. In the Third year beginning in March A. 1667.

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