Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 003.djvu/23

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stop, is less than the remaining terms, and that the total of these is less than 4/3 of a third proportional to the two last.

And therefore ABCyE being = 0.75 ———— —————— 0.75
and Ed Cy > 0.05685279 ——— and < 0.05685290
And ABCdE is < 0.69314720 ——— and > 0.69314709

But when AE . BC :: 5. 4. or as EA. to KH. then will the space A B C E. or now, the space AHKE (AH = 1/4AB.) be found as follows.

8 x 9 x 10) 1. (0.0013888888——
16 x 17 x 18) 1. (0.0002042484—— 0.0003504472
18 x 19 x 20) 1. (0.0001461988——
32 x 33 x 34) 1. (0.0000278520—— 0.0000878204
34 x 35 x 36) 1. (0.0000233426——
36 x 37 x 38) 1. (0.0000197566——
38 x 39 x 40) 1. (0.0000168691——
3) 0.0000878204 ( 0.0000292735
+ 0.0000292735
0.0018564299 < Eab
But 0.0003504472
Therefore 0.0018271564
+ 0.0000220074
+ 0.0000073358
0.0018564996 > Eab
Therefore E M b. (Fig. 4.)
being = 0.025———— ——— 0.025
Eab > 0.0018564299 ——&< 0.0018564996
EMBa(Fig. 4.) or EKM (Fig. 1.) > 0.02685643— ———< 0.02685050
AHKM < 0.22314356— ———> 0.22314349
Therefore 3 A B CdE = 2.07944154
and AHKE = 0.2231435———
ABCdE (when AE.BC :: 10 . 1.) = 2.3025850———

Therefore the Logar. of 10
is to the Log. of 2
as 2.302585

to 0.693147
