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where in their Register-book, that such papers came ever before them (which yet is their constant and careful practice to doe of all things of that nature;) to which we must adde, that the person wish whom he left those Papers of his, Sir Robert Moray (perhaps with a desire to recommend them to that Illustrious Body) affirms, that he did not at all judg them proper to be exhibited there, because they seem'd to him to containe nothing new or extraordinary.

II. OVSERVATIONES MEDICÆ, Mich. Leyseri, Henr. a Moinichen, Mart. Bogdani, Jac. Seidelii, è Musœo Th. Bartolini Hasniœ in 8°.

THough these Observations have been abroad these several years, yet coming but lately to our view, we could take no sooner notice of them. Divers are not inconsiderable; e. g. Of a Pleurisys, ending in an Abscess in the Thigh: Of an Abscess in the Thigh evacuated by Vrine: Of a great clew of wormes voided by crude Mercury taken inwardly: Of a Pleurisy cured without Blood-letting: Of the Bones of a fœtus drawn out of the Mothers belly, she surviving and bearing several children afterwards: Of the opening of an Vterus closed from the birth: Of a bigg Stone found in the Emulgent veins of a Boy of 9. years old; of a Pin swallow'd and breaking our of the Thigh 4. years after: Of a Nose cut off by the hand of Justice, and happily set and healed on again, by receiving it, when it fell of, into a warm loaf of bread cut in the middle, and so sowing it on: Of a Hen, bringing forth 5 well-formed and live chickins immediately out of her belly, which kill'd her; Of an odd heat in the extreamest parts of the body, whilst the intetmediat ones betwixt them and the heart were very cold: Of a Quartan cured by drinking very new Beer, and sweating largely upon it: Of an Eye taken out of the Head of a living man, which being examined had all its humors converted into a tallowy matter: Of strange Convulsion-fits, accompanied with vomitings of odd matter, happily cured: Of an unusual case of melancholy, in which the Patient abhorred most kinds of meat, drink, vessels, and almost all people, fancying them tohave