Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 004.djvu/135

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VI. ABREGE CHRONOLOGIQVE DE L'HISTOIRE SACREE et PROPHANE, parle P. Labbe dela Comp. de Jesus, Paris. in 12. in 5. Volumes.

WE put these two Books together, because of the likeness of their Argument; and we esteem also, that both these may deserve to be Joyned to and compared with, that of Mr. Beverige, of which an Accompt was given in the Transactions of May last.

The former of these two is divided-into two parts, a General and a Particular.

The General considers Time in general, and its various denominations and Characters, and especially explains that common Receptacle of all Epocha's, the Iulian Period, enlarging upon its Uses and Advantages.

The Particular considers time in particular, demonstrating the certainty of Epocha's, and enumerating the Calendars of the several Nations.

The latter Author, considering with himself; that of the writers of Chronology, some have contented themselves to teach only the Precepts thereof; others, to reform the dates of it, and to marke the Characters of Times, without rehearing the considerablepassages