Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 004.djvu/183

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Then I caused an Incision-knife to he used, and made an Incision two inches and an halfe deep (supposing the Caustick had not wrought deep enough) but 'twas to no more purpose, than the former.

An, Accompt of some Books.

I. CERTAIN PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYES, and other TRACTS, by the Honorable ROBERT BOYLE, Fellow of the R. Society. The Second Edition, enlarged, London; printed for Henry Herringman in the New Exchange. A. 1669.

WE could not but give the Curious Reader notice of this reprinted and in divers places considerably enriched Book; but chiefly increased by the Addition of a very Philosophical Discourse about the Absolute Rest in Bodies, wherein the Noble Author, with his usual modesty as well as acuteness, delivers his Thoughts concerning the Intestin Motions of the Particles of Quiescent Solids, and in doing so calls the Absolute Rest of Bodies in Question, by undertaking to prove, That some of those Bodies, which we think have their parts most at Rest, are not exempted from having internal Motions in them; to which proof he Judgeth 'twill be consequent, that it must be probable, that in other Bodies, whose Solidity is confessed inferior, the component Particles are not in a State of Perfect Rest.

II. DEL MOVIMENtO DELLA COMETA, apparsa il mese di Dicembre 1664. da PIETRO MARIA MUTOLI, in Pisa, in 4°.

THis, and the next following Tract, (consisting each of a few sheets only) should sooner have been taken notice of in these Transactions, if they had sooner come to ourhands