Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 004.djvu/220

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d. m. sec.

Her visible Motion from 7 h. 28 m. to 8 h. 18 m. is 0 22 52

The difference of the Moons visible Latitudes 0 2 45

The Angle of the Moons visible way with the Eclip. 6 51 27

Her visible Latitude at the apparent Conjunction 1 35 12

The Angle of Immersion beneath a straight line drawn through her Center parallel to the Ecliptic 51 33 5

Motion from the Immersion to the visib. Conjunct. 0 9 1

The Angle of Emersion beneath the parallel 37 42 5

The visib. Motion from the 0 m. to the Egress appar. 0 11 30

Apparent Mot. from 7 h. 28 to m. the Immersion 0 0 36

Apparent Mot. from 8 h. 18 m. to the Stars Egress 0 1 55

The time from from 7 h. 28 m. to the Sub-ingress 0 2 9

The time from from 8 h. 18 m. to the Stars Emers. 0 4 22

Therefore the Sub-ingress 7 29 6.

Emersion 8 13 38.

The Stars Mora under the Moon 0 44 32.

The Stars Latitude from a line drawn over the Moons Center parallel to the Ecliptick

in the

Immersion 11 17

Egress 8 50

Over what Spots of the Moon, the seeming way of the Star would pass, I do not here shew, because I dare not rely on our Selenographical Tables. I proceed therefore to the next.

III. March 3. in the morning, the Moon passeth over Antares, or the Scorpions heart, whose Longitude to the Caroline Author is then Scorpio 5 deg. 7 m. 20 sec. and Latitude South 4. 27. The Ecliptical Conjunction by the Ephemerides was March 2. 16 h. 54 m. P. M. Wherefore, for the better investigating the times of the beginning and end of this Occultation, I have calculated the true and visible places of the Moon to 16 h. 39 m. 52 sec. and to 17 h. 49 m. 52 sec. P. M. by the said Tables to the Meridian and Latitude or Derby, as follows;
