Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 004.djvu/4

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Numb. 45
Beginning the Fifth Year.



March 25. 1669.

The Contents.

A Preface to the Fifth year of these Transactions, which is herewith begun. The Description of an Instrument for drawing any Object in Perspective. An Observation of Saturn, rectifying some former Observations of that Planet. An Extract of a Letter, written from France to the Publisher, concerning the Ordering of Melons. An Account of two Books. I. Renati Francisci Slusii MESQLABUM, 2a Editio auctior, II. Tractatus de CQRDE, item de Motu & Colore SANGUINIS, &, A. Richardo Lower, M D.


To this Fifty Year of the Transactions.

IT may perhaps be expected, that here at the Entrance into the Fifth Year of these Philosophical Communications, something should be prefac'd, as hath been done formerly for an Introduction into each of the Four preceding years, beginning always (accordinq to the English Accompt) in the Moneth of March. Briefly then, I shall make a few fresh Reflections on what is past, to the purpose of Impressing some few things perhaps not altogether inconsiderable, And thence offer a Prospect of what may be hoped to be the Product of our future Endeavours, as God shall vouchsafe to prosper them.

In the first Volume, containing the Transactions of Two Years, 1665, 1666, though we were fatally interrupted by the Plague,
