Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/135

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Houses, Ruines of the Temple of Diana, Funeral Monuments, Bridge of Zulpha, Halicacaræ a great Town, the Houses whereof built all Underground. Chamber, Bedstead, Table, and Cupboard, all hew'd out of the Rock, &c. Some people dwelling only in Hollow Rocks. Others only in Tents and Wagons. Hezardgerib, the fairest Garden in all Asia, &c.

Their Habits. Games. Hawks taught to fly at the Wild Boar, Ass and Goat. Of their Race-Footmen. Most exact Shooting. Customes, Languages, Writing, and Seals.

Their Feasts, and Diet. How Potargo made. Acorn-Bread the only food of the Poor people near Sherazoul. People of Circassi make drink of Millet, and choose their Bread of that rather than Wheaten. Lesser Tartars drink no Water by their good will, but only Milk; refuse no Diet but Swines-flesh; never eat Salt, yet live long. How they feed their Cattel, &c.

Of their Diseases, Physicians, and Cures, some account. Gangrene in the Throat and Mouth a disease common about Erivan. Worms bred in the Limbs of a wonderful length. How the people of Comania and Circassia treat the sick, and cure the Head-ach, &c.

Commodities, Trades, and Coins. Tauris the Mart for Turky, Muscovy the Indies, and Persia. The Trade of Candy, and the chief Isles of the Archipelago, and of Smyrna, &c. They are excellent Damaskers. Have curious Manufactures of Gold, Silver and Silk, the best whereof from Cachan. Tells from whence Corins, Sallet-Oyl, Silks, the best Glue, the finest Wool, the Shagrin skin, fine blue Goat-Leather skins, Valanede for dying of Leather, &c. Nothing sold by Measure, but all by Weight. They have no Gold Coyn currant, but only Silver and Copper, whereof the Author gives several Figures; and tells at what rates the exchange of Mony is made, &c.

The Government of the Empire, Justice, and manner of Executions. The Exchequer. Officers of the Custome-Houses. Division of Time. Genealogies of the Persian Kings. How their Children bred. Their Revenues. Ecclesiastical Government and Revenues. Marriages, Christenings, and Burials, &c.

Of Animals; as of the breeding, nature, and sorts of Camels, Bufalo's, Arabian Horses. Jackauls, a kind of Foxes, Pigeons as big as Hens. Hawks, how bred. A Lake 6 Leagues off Tauris full of red Ducks. Locusts. Grand fishery for Sturgeon near Queli, &c.

Of Plants; as a particular sort of Quince Peppin. Some Orange trees as tall as Wallnut, and thicker than 2 men can fathom. How they order their Vines, and keep their Wines. Blue Lillies. Best Gauls near Tauris. Best Water-Melons at Cauverstan, &c.

Of their Pearls: the Island Bahren the great fishery and Market for them. A transparent Pearl. Large piece of Crystal containing a good quantity of water in the centre. The Stone called Amianthus in Cyprus. Great transparent Stones found near Tauris, wherewith they adorn their Houses and in which sometimes Animals, as in Amber. With a great number of particulars more, reducible to the Classes above specified.

The Second Part consists of 3 Books, whereto is premised a discourseof