Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 012.djvu/53

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Num. 135.



May 26. 1677.


Extract of three Letters of Dr. Wallis, concerning an unusual Meteor seen at the same time in many distant places of England. Communications touching four sorts of factitious Shining substances. Divers Letters about the late Comet, from Signor Cassini, Monsieur Hevelius, and Mr. Flamstead. An Account of Four Books: I. The Natural HiStory of OXFORD-SHIRE, &c. By Robert Plott, LL. D. II. L'ARCHITECTURE NAVALE, avec le ROUTIER des Indes Orientales & Occidentales; par le Sieur Dassié. III. Philosophical Dialogues concerning the Principles of Natural Bodies; by W. Simpson, M.D. IV. A New Treatise of CHYMISTRY; written in French by Christopher Glaser, and now Englished by F. R. S. An Advertisement of a New Mapp of England.

An Extract of Two Letters, written by Dr. Wallis to the Publisher the 20th and 30th of January last, concerning a considerable Meteor seen in many distant places of England at the same time[1].

SIR, I do not know, whether in your Transactions you have any where taken notice of that unusual Meteor which happened on Wednesday Sept. 20th. last past, about Seven of the clock at night or soon after; which, though it seemed very low, wasseen

  1. This was not published sooner, because more particulars were expected both from other places of England, and from Forreign parts.