Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 016.djvu/445

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A Conjecture at the Quantity of Blood in Men, together with an Estimate of the Celerity of its Circulation. By Allen Moulin, M. D. Reg. S. S.

In a Sheep weighing alive 118l. we found but 51.-2 of Blood which is but fqfr of the weight of the Sheep. In a Lamb weighing 3015 when living, but there was bur 1 I. €~ of Blood which is nearly a. zorli part. In a Duck weighing alive 2/. 14 Ounces 5o gr. we found an Ouncea half and 53 gr. of Blood, which is ICEQ than a 28th of the whole weight of the living Duck. In a Rabbit weighing IO Ounces, 7 Dr. and 50 gr. we found 2 Dr. 57 gr. of Blood, which is about a 30th Part. In the right Ventricle and Auricle of the Heart of a Dog, I found 6 ounces of Blood, after that I injecied into ilu; jugular Vein a Liquor that coagulated time Blood. I found a greater quantity of Blood in the Heart of another Dog, whom I treated after the same manner. The Hearts were much dillendcd by the Blood found in them. I shall therefore Rtppofc, that 4 ounces only were received at a time bv then: Hearts without force, that is naturally: Azul least l should suppose a greater quantity of Blood to l.=e admitted at a time than really is, I will suppose rr lVlnn's li'.i€L'2i1'f, wliioii mucli larger, (mid has much larger 'i"cril-Ibis than those I (peak of) to receive but 4 ounces at each Diujo/fu Allowing 75 Pulnrs to every Minute, there will be ., ; 500 in an hour, and 18000 ounces of Blood tranhnirted in Limb rims. This last Number is the Produrfl of time foregoing 4500, being multiply ed by 4, the Number of Ounces at a Diylo/e.
