Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 020.djvu/4

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Numb. 236. Beginning
the 20th Volume.


For the Month of January, 1698.


I. Part of a Letter of Mr. Will Derham, Rector of Upminſter, dated Dec. 6. 1697. Giving an Account of ſome Experiments about the Heighth of the Mercury in the Barometer, at Top and Bottom of the Monument: and about Portable Barometers.II. A Letter from Dr. Wallis of Jan. 11. 1697/8. To Dr. Sloane, concerning the Effects of a great Storm of Thunder and Lightning at Everdon in Northamptonſhire, (wherein divers Perſons were killed) on July 27. 1691.III. Some additional Remarks on the Extracting the Stone of the Bladder out of thoſe of the Female Sex. By Thomas Molyneux, M. D.S. R. S.IV. Eclipſis Lunaris Obſervatio, facta Roterodami die 29. Octobris Anni 1697. N. S.A Jacobo Caſſini, R. Ac. Pariſienſis Socio.V. An Account of a Book, Entituled, Hortus Medicus Amſtelodamenſis, ſive Plantarum tam Orientalis quan Occidentalis Indiæ aliarumque perefrinarum Deſcriptio & Icones. Autore Joanne Commelino Urbis Amſtelod. (dam viverit) Senatore. Et latinitate donatum, Notis & Obſervationibus illuſtratum a Frederico Ruyſchio, M. D. Botan. Profeſſ. &c. & Franciſco Kiggelario, Amſt. 1697. Fol. And to be ſ by S. Smith, and B. Walford, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. With many additional Remarks by James Petiver, Fellow of the Royal Society.

I. Part