Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 037.djvu/111

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DR. John Rutty of Dublin, informed the Publisher, That whereas there were several other Experiments made at the same Time by other Gentlemen, as Dr. Madden mentions, which agreed with these, some Persons who were present at them proposed several things to he tried as Antidotes to this Poison; accordingly, Bole, Vinegar and Milk were given to a Dog which had swallowed some of the Laurel-Water: The Bole and Vinegar were not observed to do much good, but the Dog which drank the Milk recovered without any bad Symptoms; but at that Distance of Time the Doctor could hot recollect the Proportions that were given: He thinks a Pint of Milk. The Publisher hath tried several Experiments in Essex and in London, which correspond with, and confirm the above-related, and will he communicated to the Publick in some other Transaction.



PAG. 78. l. 2. from the Bottom, dele Spirits in the. P. 81. l. 7. for Fr. r. Martin; as likewise No 408. p. 39. l. 3.