Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 050, part 1.djvu/20

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Page 95. line 24. read even the ends of the umbilici.

Page 96. line 5. read expoſed the extremity of the umbilicus.

Page 168. line 4. after as dele well as.

Page 328. line 9 from the bottom, for ſtream read ſteam.

In the Tables of the Variation of the Magnetic Needle, Anno 1756,

Lat. Long.
0 70 E for Var. 3 1/4 W read 2 3/4 W. Read the ſame in p. 333.
15 N 35 W for Var— — — 3 1/2 W read— — — 2 1/2
5 S 40 E for Var— — — 17 W read— — — 18 W
30 S 15 E for Var— — — 18 W read— — — 17 1/2 W
35 S 10 W for Var— — — 5 1/2 W read— — — 5 W
35 S 45 E for Var— — — 26 1/2 W read— — — 26 W