Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 050, part 1.djvu/376

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fuant to our engagements, beg leave to lay before you fome account of the communications received, with a fpecimen of the ufes and applications which we have been enabled to make of thofe, and other attiftances with which we have been indulged.

On application to the Honourable the Commif- fioners of the Navy, we were obliged with an order of free accefs to all their matters log-books and journals.

The Directors of the Honourable Eaft India Company granted the like privilege.

The Honourable Committee of the Hudfon’s Bay Company obliged us with fundry obfervations, made, and tabulated, by their own Captains.

James Bradley, D. D. Regius Profeffor of Attro- nomy, and F. R. S. favoured us with feveral obferva- tions made at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich.

John Hyde, Efqj F.R.S. communicated a fett of ufeful obfervations, extracted from two journals kept on board the Triton and Britannia Eatt Indiamen.

A correct journal kept on board the Delawar Eatt Indiaman was handed to us by a gentleman unknown.

Capt. George Snow furniibed a confiderable num- ber of obfervations, made with care and accuracy by himfelf, in feveral fuccettive voyages to, and from Barbadoes and Virginia ; together with feveral re- marks upon the fubjedt : One y which we apprehend to be material, we beg leave to infert, as it meets with fome confirmation by the tables annexed ; viz. <c At Barbadoes the variation feems at a ttand very “ near; for in the road, 1 7 5-2 , I obferved f degrees <f eatt ; and by Mr. Halley’s draught, in the year “ 1701, 5 t degrees: in 1747, at Port Royal keys, “ Jamaica, I obferved the variation 7 0 20' E.; and “ on the coatt of Carthagena the fame week, off

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