Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 054.pdf/247

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[ 191 ]

in magnitude, making the air very hot, shooting from the North-ward to the South-west; sparks of fire darting from it, the bigness of a man's fist. It came very near us before it disappeared, when it seemed to us to be of the bigness of a ship's boat, with a long tail extending from it, attended with a noise like thunder. As it came near the water, the body appeared as black as pitch and then vanished; the tail remaining some minutes before it disappeared.


James Cawley.

Sworn before Michael Gill,
the 15th of May, 1760.

The above was likewise attested upon oath by the subscribers, being sailors on board the said vessel, and at that time upon deck.

John Sullivan,

[A true Copy.]


Thomas + Frog.

