Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 096.djvu/11

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I. The Croonian Lecture on the Arrangement and mechanical Action of the Muscles of Fishes.By Anthony Carlisle, Esq, F.R.S. F.L.S.

Read November 7, 1805.

It was my intention to have continued my physiological inquiries on the phenomena of muscular motion, by a series of chemical experiments; and to have communicated the result, when duly matured, to the Royal Society. But an unexpected request, made at a late period, for the Lecture of the present year, obliges me to defer those researches, and to limit the investigation of the subject I have chosen.

The application of the motive organs of animals has already furnished examples of general utility by increasing our knowledge of mechanical powers; and the cultivation of this study promises still further improvement.

The muscles of fishes are of a very different construction from those of the other natural classes. The medium in which these animals reside, the form of their bodies, and the
