Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 096.djvu/259

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and Velocity of the Solar Motion.

ture has been alluded to in the same Paper.[1] The insulation ascribed to the sun relates merely to a supposed binary combination with some neighbouring star; and it has now been proved by an example of Arcturus, that the solar motion cannot be occasioned or accounted for by a periodical revolution of the sun and this or any other star about their common centre of gravity.

  1. Phil. Trans, for 1802, page 479.


In Table VII. of the first part of this Paper, star Aldebaran, the two last columns,

for 13° 18′ 58″, read 13° 41′ 48″.

for 0,02842, read 0,02922.

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Cleveland-Row, St. James's.