Page:Philosophical Transactions - Volume 096.djvu/312

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Mr. Flinders's Observations

small contribution of raw materials to the hands of the manufacturer, happy if he can make them subservient to the promotion of meteorological science.

I will conclude with stating a few general remarks upon the barometer, such as may be useful to seamen.

It is not so much the absolute, as the relative height of the mercury, and its state of rising and falling, that is. to be attended to in forming a judgment of the weather that will succeed; for it appears to stand at different heights, with the same wind and weather, in different latitudes.

In the open sea, it seems to be the changes in the weather, and in the strength of the wind, that principally affect the barometer; but near the shore, a change in the direction of the wind seems to affect it full as much, or more,, than either of those causes taken singly.

It is upon the south and east coasts of any country in the southern, or the north and east coasts in the northern hemisphere, where the effect of sea and land winds upon the barometer is likely to be the most conspicuous. In the open sea, the mercury seems to stand higher in a steady breeze of several days continuance, from whatever quarter it comes, provided it does not blow hard, than when the wind is variable from one part of the compass to another; and perhaps it is on this account, as well as from the direction of the wind, that the mercury stands higher within the tropics, than, upon the average, it appears to do in those parallels where the winds are variable and occasionally blow with violence.

The barometer seems capable of affording so much assis-