Page:Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A - Volume 184.djvu/348

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solving them in about 70 cub. centims. of water. An aqueous solution of ammonia was then added to the copper solution till the deep blue colour was formed. The same volume of ammonia was next run into the ammonium chloride solution, and both were made up to 100 cub. centims. This gave solutions whose strengths were 0.1 monad grm. equivalent per litre. Their specific resistances were found by the method used by Kohlrausch and Fitzpatrick, and came out (for the CuCl2) and (for the NH4C1) in C.G.S. units for the cubic centimetre.

The solutions were carefully run into the velocity tubes, and the current sent through them and a low-resistance galvanometer in series. The galvanometer had previously been graduated by sending the current from a single freshly-prepared Daniell cell through it and through a known resistance, and noticing the deflections as the resistance was varied from 11,000 ohms to 150 ohms.

Graduation of Galvanometer. Zero 1°.9.

Ohms. Deflection.
11,000 =05 (°).8=
10,000 06.1
09,000 06.7
08,000 07.4
07,000 08.2
06,000 09.8
05,000 11.5
04,000 15.4
03,500 18.7
03,200 21.0
03,000 22.9
02,700 25.6
02,500 28.0
02,200 31.3
02,000 33.7
01,800 36.6
01,600 39.5
01,400 42.5
01,200 45.9
01,000 49.8
00,900 52.1
00,800 54.5
00,700 57.0
00,600 59.9
00,500 63.2
00,400 67.1
00,350 69.1
00,300 71.7
00,250 74.1
00,200 76.8
00,150 79.4

The resistances were then again increased to 400 ohms = 67°.1, 1200 = 45°.9, and 3500 = 18°.7—numbers identical with those first obtained.

Copper and Ammonium Chlorides. Velocities. Current upwards.

Galvanometer. Time. Position.
74 (°).7 10.50 32.4

1.70 centims. per hour.
4.0 23.4 23.5