Page:Philosophical magazine 23 series 4.djvu/100

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TO CORRESPONDENTS. Communicattons have been received from Prof. Zbnoeb of Vienna, the Rev. T. P. KiRKMAN, and Dr^ Schunck. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Being desirouii that our Subscribers should possess perfectly correct copies of the Chromolith illustrative of Prof. KirchhofF and Bunaen's paper* the pub- lishers agreed, about the middle of November, with the Artist at Carisnihe for a supply of the requisite number, to be printed from the original stones. Their delivery has been delayed by the Artist, who now, however, promises that they shall be forwarded about the beginning of February. We are inconsequence again compelled to defer the pubhcation of the SUPPLEMENT until March. Nearly ready for Pubhcation, ELEMENTS OF aU ATERNIOKS ; With numerous Wood Engravings. By Sir William Rowan Hamilton, LL.D. &c. The Volume is not designed to extend much further than 400 Octavo Pages, of which 360 are already in type. This day, price 25s., Vol. XXTI. Part III. of the TRANSACnOirS OF THE BOTAL SOCIETY OF EBINBUHOH, FOR THE SESSION 1860-1861. Contents. I. On a Mode of taking the Density of Vapour of Volatile Liquids at Tempe- ratures below the Boiling*point. By Dr. Lyon PUyfair, C.B., F.R.S., and J. A. Wanklyn. F.R.S.E. II. The Bifilar Magnetometer, its Errors and Corrections, including the Deter- mination of the Temperature Coefficient for the Bifilar employed in the Colonial Observatories. By John Allan Broun, F.R.S., Director of the Trevandrum Observatory. Communicated by Professor Tait. HI. Fragmentary Notes on the Generative Organs of some Cartilaginous Fishes. By John Davy, M.D., F.R.S. Lond. and Edm., &c. (With one Pkte.) IV. Some Observations on the Albino. By the same. V. On the Horizontal Force of the Earth's Magnetism. By John Allan Broun, F.R.S., Director of the Observatories of His Highness the Rajah of Travancoro. (With six Plates.) Communicated by Professor Tait. VI. On the PedicuU infesting the different Races of Man. By Andrew Murray, Eso., of Conland. (With two Plates.) Communicated by Professor Allmant VII. Expedition to the Higher Ranges of the Anamalai Hills, Coimbatore, in 1858. By Hugh Cleghom, M.D., Conservator of Forests, Madras Presidency. (With seven Plates.) Communicated by Professor Balfour. VIII. Memoir of General Sir Thomas Makdougall Brisbane, G.C.B. &c., Picai- dent of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. By Alexander Bryson, P.R.S.SJL. IX. On the Action of Uncrystallized Films upon Common and Polarized Light. By Sir David Brewster, K.H., F.R.S. X. On some Derivatives from the defines. Bj^ Frederick Guthrie, Professor of Chemistry in the Royal College of the Mauritius. XI. On the Chronology of the Trap-Rocks of Scotland. By Aichibald GieOde, F.G.S. (With one Plate, XXXVfll.) XII. Memoir of the Rev. John Fleming, D.D., F.R.S.E. By Alexander BrvsoDs P.R.S.S.A. XIII. On the Constitution of Anthracene or Paranaphthaline, and some of its Products of Decomposition. By Thonuis Anderson, M.D., Professor of Che- mistry in the University of Glasgow. Edinburgh : R. Grant and Son. London : Williams and Norgate. [ADVERTISEMENTS conti^^dm ^djm^.Qf Cover.