Page:Philosophical magazine 23 series 4.djvu/97

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&(Hflis ^ta>UiE^e1i bp Mv^ SKan wumet Huring isei. .TS AXn> OBSERVATIONS ok Natueal History, Anatomy, BTSIOXiOOT, PsfCHOLOOY, AND QbOLOGY. By JoSH HUNTBI, F.B.S. Being, bis PosthwRoiia Papers on tfao9e ju^eciks, arranged and revised, with Notes, by Bichabd Owsif, F.K.S., D.C.L., Superintendent of the Katural History Department, British MiaeanL 2 yds. 8yo, £1 lis. 6c?. FHOV ilBROAD, FBOu a Physzoian iv siarch of HsAiiTH. By William Bullab, M.I). Post 8to, 7s. BOTJSS-DOaS And SPbBTINd-DOaS: their Varieties, Points, Miwgeipflnt, Training, Breeding, Bearing, and Diseases. By John Mktbick. Fcap. 8yo, Ss. 6d. SCBTOKY OF BRTTISB 8&S^ILfi-EYED CRU8tAC&A. §r C. Spwgb Bats, F.B.S., P.L.S.. and J. Q. Westwood, M. A., F.L.S., ope. Professor of Zoology in the tTniyersity of Oxford. Parts 1 to 3. 8to, ^ 6d. each, Th^ work contains a figure of each species and other illustrative woodcuts, and is intended as a companion to Prdfessor Bell's History of the British Stalk-Eyed Oustaoea, Ao. &o. %* A few copies are printed on large paper, Boyal 8vo. THIRD EDITION OF A GENERAL OUTLINE OF THE OBX3tAmzATION OF TBE ANIMAL KINaDOK and Manual of Comparative Anatomy. By Thomas Bymsb Jonss, FJI.S., Priofeflsor of Comparative Anatomy in King's College, London; late FnUerian Professor of Physiology to the itoyal Institution of Great Britain, &o. &o. 8vo, with 423 mtistrative woodouts, £1 lis. Qd. SBCOKD EDITIOK OF THE iNBECt UUNTEUS, and o&to Poems. By Edwabd Kkwman. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, 2s. Qd, TW am E DITION OF A FAMILIAB INTB0t>UOTION TO THE STXTBT OF POLABIZED LldHT. By Cbarles WooDWABD* F JBt.S. 8vo, Illustrated, 3s. KB-ISSUE OF SOWEKBT'S BBITIBH WILD FLO WEB8^ to be oompieted in 2(Xmonthly 3s. parts. Each part will contain four plaites, oempnfauig 80 coloured figures, and eight pages of deeoriptive letter- press. The Introduction, Eey, and Introductory Plates will he com- pleted in the first Six Ports. Eight are ^ow published. THE ENTOMOLOGIST'S ANNUAL for 1862. 2s. M. HBWITSON'S EXOTIC BUTTEBFLQ58. 4to, Parts 37 to 40 (completing the 2nd volume), 5s. each. SOWEBBT'S THE8AUBU8 CONCH7LIOBUM. Part 20. Imperial 8vo, £1 6s. STAIMTON'8 NATUBAL HISTOBT OF TBS llNtalNA. VoLVI. 8yo, 128.6i. TBS ZOOXXXHST. Nos.224to227. ls.eaoh. JOHN VAN YOOEST, 1 PATERNOSTER ROW. Digitized by Google v