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Here we find another word used by Kṛṣhṇa when speaking of Parabrahmam. He calls it his paḍam—the adobe of bliss or Nirvāna. When he calls Parabrahmam his paḍam or abode, he does not mean vaikuntha loka or any other kind of loka; he speaks of it as his abode, because it is in the bosom of Parabrahmam that the Logos resides. He refers to Parabrahmam as the abode of bliss, wherein resides eternally the Logos, manifested or unmanifested. Again turn to chapter viii, verse 21:

That which is stated to be unmanifested and immutable is spoken of as the highest condition to be reached. That place from which there is no return for those who reach it is my supreme abode.

Here the same kind of language is used, and the reference is to Parabrahmam. When any soul is absorbed into the Logos, or reaches the Logos, it may be said to have reached Parabrahmam, which is the centre of the Logos; and, as the Logos resides in the bosom of Parabrahmam, when the soul reaches the Logos it reaches Parabrahmam also.

Here you will notice that he again speaks of Parabrahmam as his abode.

Turn now to chapter ix, verses 4, 5 and 6:

The whole of this Universe is pervaded by me in my unmanifested form (Avyakṭamūrṭi). I am thus the support of all the manifested existence, but I am not supported by them. Look at my condition when manifested as Īshvara (Logos): these phenomenal manifestations are not within me. My Āṭmā (however) is the foundation and