Page:Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect or Dialogues on Ordinary and Familiar Subjects.djvu/44

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Lesson vii. One's Age. 温是縊自 1. How old is your son? 拷澳炉、衣時腰呀辛。 2. He is ten years old. 希衣時天⿰口爺呀時、澳炉。 3. He is not so very old. 希衣時、吶蘇威厘澳炉。 4. I thought he was twelve years old. 埃失、希鍋時、吐威炉户、爺呀時、澳炉。 6. Few men live to be a hundred years old. 𠸷𠲶璃炉、吐卑縊恨地列、爺呀時、澳炉。 6. That old man is nearly ninety years old. 噠澳炉慢、衣時呢呀厘、⿰口泥怨地、爺呀時、澳炉。 7. My birth-day comes on the eighth of June. 嘪波時低衿時、安地咽時、阿户𭉾。 8. A man becomes his own master when he is twenty-one years old. 縊慢、卑衿時希時安、孖時打温希衣時、吐温地、温、爺呀時澳炉。 9. A woman becomes her own mistress at eighteen years of age. 縊烏文、卑衿時、靴安、美時車時、押咽端、爺呀時、阿户縊自。